I will remember most about my forth
grader year is the wax museum, read aloud, Mrs. Gerard, Mrs. Zwicker, and my
class mates. I’ll remember my class
mates because of their characteristics. I will remember about Mrs. Gerard’s
read aloud books because she is a good reader. I will remember about Mrs.
Zwicker because she is a very good helper. I will remember about the wax museum
because of all of the hard work paid
The part I’ll remember most that
I accomplished is the earth day project.
Why? Because it was a lot of hard work researching and practicing on the poem.
I will also remember about the wax museum work that we had to do. Why? Because
I could not find his picture. But I found a lot of research about him.
The things I’ll look forward to
middle school is the cafeteria. Why? Because you can pick what ever you want.
Another thing that I’ll look forward to middle school is band. Why? Because there
are lots of instruments to play. For example percussion, flute, and violin.